Social Networks

Matrix Organization

Matrix organization duplicated on our different territories and bringing together an experienced and quality Management at the service of your customers.

Standard COPC

COPC standard in all treatment processes, to provide customers with a better quality of service.

CRM Tool

International CRM tool (Aheeva) covering all aspects of the customer experience:
-Inbound calls management
-Outbound calls campaigns
-Live Chat - Social Networks
-B.O. (mails, emails, scan ...)

Ingoing Calls

Product and Service Information, Meeting and Event Information, Support for Launching Communication Campaign.

Customer Service, Customer Relations, Reservations, Information, Orders & Delivery.

After-Sales Service, Technical Support, Hotline, Telephone Reception, Customer Service (by email and telephone), Loyalty Program Management, Satisfaction Survey.

Outgoing Calls

Prospect Qualification, Sales Force Support, Appointment Making, Market Research, Marketing Test, Meetings and Events Information.

Qualification clients, Détection de leads, Prise de rendez vous à usage commercial.

Additional and Crossed Sales, Debt Collection, Loyalty Campaign (WelcomeCall, Anti Churn, Reactivation, etc.), Barometers of Satisfaction.

Wheel of Services


Our skills and expertise have allowed us to gain the trust of prestigious clients around the world.


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